set data RG_ArgoClim_Temp.des show data list argo_temperature_anomaly[d=1,x=170,y=-20,k=1] show grid/t argo_temperature_anomaly let temp = argo_temperature_anomaly[d=1]+argo_temperature_mean[d=1] use climatological_axes.cdf let clim_temp=temp[gt=month_irreg@mod] list clim_temp[x=170,y=-20,k=1] list argo_temperature_mean[d=1,x=170,y=-20,k=1] list dyn_t[x=170,y=-20,l=1] ! losing mean variables with .des !doesn't work with 360_DAY and 2592000 let clim_temp=temp[gt=month_360_DAY@mod] !can only use @mod with gregorian calendar use LET start_year = 2004 LET nyears = 20 LET indices = L[L=1:`nyears*12`] LET month = MOD(indices-1,12)+1 LET year = start_year + INT((indices-1)/12) DEFINE AXIS/UNITS=days/T0=1-jan-1900/EDGES truemonth = DAYS1900(year,month,1) go fer_load_RG_files