! jnl file that uses Argo data to make different vertical section salinity plots. The sections are either ! in a N-s direction or an E-W direction. This does not make arbitrary section plots. ! requires input arguments for the location of section, the time range, the depth range and the distance range ! to run the program in ferret, you will need to type the following line with or without the various values ! filled in: ! go fer_psal_section_avg section_direction ylo yhi month depth_min depth_max xlo xhi depth_axis con_lev ! If you choose not to give values for the various variables, default ones will be substituted for you. ! If you only want to choose some values, you can, but you cannot skip any values. This means you can ! fill in the first 2 and no others, or if you want to specify the time ranges, you must do the first 4. ! You can't choose to do the section_direction and the depth_min and depth_max without filling in the ! section_location and the time_start and time_end ! section direction can be "N" for N-S or "E" for E-W ! xlo corresponds to the lowest latitude limit ! xhi corresponds to the highest latitude limit ! ylo corresponds to the lowest longitude limit ! yhi corresponds to the highest longitude limit ! depth values are entered in the range of 0 - 2000dbar with the default being 0 - 1000dbar ! time values are entered in the range of 1-12 corresponding to the twelve months of a year. ! The default is January. ! con_lev sets the contour and fill levels of the plot. This is done in the following format: (lo,hi,delta). ! More than one can be chosen: (lo,mid,delta1),(mid,hi,delta2). See the Ferret Users Manual for more information. cancel/all data cancel/all var cancel/all sym set window/clear go set_pixel_size 1024 768 set mem/size=200 define viewport/xlim=.0,.95/ylim=0,1 top PPL DFLTFNT DR ppl conpre @P1@DR ppl axlsze 0.15,.15 ppl axset 1,1,1,1 ppl pen 0,7 ppl pen 1,7 ppl labset .15,.15,.15 ! load in first file use RG_ArgoClim_Temp_2014.nc let t1=ARGO_TEMPERATURE_MEAN[d=1]+ARGO_TEMPERATURE_ANOMALY[d=1] ! now set up grid for entire time range define axis/x=20.5E:19.5E:1/unit=degree xlong define axis/y=64.5S:79.5N:1/unit=degree ylat define axis/t="16-Jan-2004":"16-Dec-2023":1/units=months tclim let dyn_p=z[d=1,g=`t1, return=grid`] define grid/x=xlong/y=ylat/z=dyn_p/t=tclim RG_grid ! now load in second temp file use RG_ArgoClim_Temp_2024.nc let t2=ARGO_TEMPERATURE_MEAN[d=2]+ARGO_TEMPERATURE_ANOMALY[d=2] ! now try to put all data onto same grid let t_b1 = t1[gt=RG_grid@asn] let t_b2 = t2[gt=RG_grid@nrst] ! load in first salinity file use RG_ArgoClim_Psal_2014.nc let s1=ARGO_SALINITY_MEAN[d=3]+ARGO_SALINITY_ANOMALY[d=3] ! now load in second psal file use RG_ArgoClim_Psal_2024.nc let s2=ARGO_SALINITY_MEAN[d=4]+ARGO_SALINITY_ANOMALY[d=4] ! now try to put all data onto same grid let s_b1 = s1[gt=RG_grid@asn] let s_b2 = s2[gt=RG_grid@nrst] ! mask out the current data let mskt1 = if t_b1 then 1 else 0 ! define new full time scale data let dyn_t = if mskt1 eq 1 then t_b1 else t_b2 let dyn_s = if mskt1 eq 1 then s_b1 else s_b2 let dyn_p = z[d=1,g=`t1, return=grid`] use climatological_axes.cdf ! adding in etopo6 to give bathymetry use etopo6_grid.nc let depth_min=`$5%0%` let depth_max=`$6%2000%` let month=`$4%1%` ! setting the default values let xlo=`$7%180%` let xhi=`$8%185%` let ylo=`$2%-50%` let yhi=`$3%10%` let depth_axis=`$9%0%` set mode interpolate ! start of plotting section. if `depth_axis` then ! you want meters instead of db as the depth axis unit ! first need to change to depth from pressure let xo=sin(y[g=`t1, return=grid`]*3.1415926/180) let xxo=xo*xo let bot_line=9.780318*(1.0+(5.2788*10^-3+2.36*10^-5*xxo)*xxo) + 1.092*10^-6*dyn_p let top_line=(((-1.82*10^-15*dyn_p+2.279*10^-10)*dyn_p-2.2512*10^-5)*dyn_p+9.72659)*dyn_p let dep=top_line/bot_line ! then regrid onto original pressure grid spacing let psal=zaxreplace(dyn_s,dep,z[gz=`t1, return=grid`]) elseif ! you want db instead of m as the depth axis unit let psal=dyn_s endif let clim_psal=psal[gt=month_irreg@mod] ! setting depth region set region/z=`depth_min`:`depth_max` ! a vertical section can only be made if the depths are different. ! depth is the same let a=if `depth_max` eq `depth_min` then 1 else 0 if `a` then say "depth is the same - cannot graph a section" ! depths are different let b=if `depth_min` ne `depth_max` then 1 else 0 let c=if (`xlo`) ne (`xhi`) then 1 else 0 let d=if (`ylo`) ne (`yhi`) then 1 else 0 let boundb=if (`xlo`) gt (`xhi`) then 1 else 0 if `b` then if ($1%TRUE|N>TRUE|E>FALSE|>TRUE%) then !checking whether it is a N-S or E-W section & assigning N-S as default if `c` then ! plotting let psal_section = clim_psal[x=`xlo`:`xhi`@ave,y=`ylo`:`yhi`,z=`depth_min`:`depth_max`,l=`month`] let con_lev= $10&"()"|*>"*"& fill/set/nolab/palette=cofi_sal/lev="`con_lev`" psal_section if `depth_axis` then ppl ylab Depth (meters) elseif ppl ylab Pressure (dbar) endif ppl shakey 1,,.08,,5,,,,,, ppl fill con/set_up/over/nolab/lev="`con_lev`" psal_section ppl conset .08,,,,,,,5.7,1.,1 ppl contour/overlay let mskb if btdata*(-1) lt dyn_p then 1 repeat/x=`xlo`:`xhi` shad/over/nolab/nokey/pal=black mskb[y=`ylo`:`yhi`,z=`depth_min`:`depth_max`] else ! no averaging over x ! plotting let psal_section = clim_psal[x=`xlo`,y=`ylo`:`yhi`,l=`month`,z=`depth_min`:`depth_max`] let con_lev= $10&"()"|*>"*"& fill/nolab/set/pal=cofi_sal psal_section if `depth_axis` then ppl ylab Depth (meters) elseif ppl ylab Pressure (dbar) endif ppl shakey 1,,.08,,5,,,,,, ppl fill ! adding contours con/over/nolab/set/lev="`con_lev`" psal_section ppl conset .08,,,,,,,5.7,1.,1 ppl contour/overlay let mskb if btdata*(-1) lt dyn_p then 1 shad/over/nolab/nokey/pal=black mskb[x=`xlo`,y=`ylo`:`yhi`,z=`depth_min`:`depth_max`] endif ! c loop else ! E-W section ! Ensuring longitudes are properly plotted if `boundb` then let xhi=`xhi`+360 endif if `d` then ! plotting let psal_section = clim_psal[x=`xlo`:`xhi`,y=`ylo`:`yhi`@ave,l=`month`] let con_lev= $10&"()"|*>"*"& fill/set/nolab/palette=cofi_sal/lev="`con_lev`" psal_section if `depth_axis` then ppl ylab Depth (meters) elseif ppl ylab Pressure (dbar) endif ppl shakey 1,,.08,,5,,,,,, ppl fill ! adding contours con/set_up/nolab/over/lev="`con_lev`" psal_section ppl conset .08,,,,,,,5.7,1.,1 ppl contour/overlay let mskb if btdata*(-1) lt dyn_p then 1 repeat/y=`ylo`:`yhi` shad/over/nolab/nokey/pal=black mskb[x=`xlo`:`xhi`,z=`depth_min`:`depth_max`] else ! no averaging over y ! plotting let psal_section = clim_psal[x=`xlo`:`xhi`,y=`ylo`,l=`month`] let con_lev= $10&"()"|*>"*"& fill/set/nolab/palette=cofi_sal/lev="`con_lev`" psal_section if `depth_axis` then ppl ylab Depth (meters) elseif ppl ylab Pressure (dbar) endif ppl shakey 1,,.08,,5,,,,,, ppl fill ! adding contours con/set_up/nolab/over/lev="`con_lev`" psal_section ppl conset .08,,,,,,,5.7,1.,1 ppl contour/overlay let mskb if btdata*(-1) lt dyn_p then 1 shad/over/nolab/nokey/pal=black mskb[y=`ylo`,x=`xlo`:`xhi`,z=`depth_min`:`depth_max`] endif ! d loop endif !b endif !n-s say Plot is finished say To adjust parameters, use the command line to pass arguments say For this file, the form to pass arguments is say go fer_psal_avg_section section_direction ylo yhi month depth_min depth_max xlo xhi depth_axis con_lev