! jnl file that uses Argo data to make geostrophic velocity overlay plots let xvector=`$1%2%` let yvector=`$2%2%` ! begin mapping process ! don't want to plot geostrophic velocity within 5 degrees of equator let msk=if y[g=`temp,return=grid`] lt 5 and y[g=`temp,return=grid`] gt (-5) then 0 else 1 !let vel_x=geo_u*msk !let vel_y=geo_v*msk ! geostrophic velocity can only be plotted if the depths are different. ! depth is the same let a=if `depth_top` eq `depth_bottom` then 1 else 0 if `a` then say "depth is the same - cannot graph dynamic height" !time is the same let b=if `time_start` eq `time_end` then 1 else 0 if `b` then let vel_x=if msk[d=2] eq 1 then geo_u[l=`time_start`] let vel_y=if msk[d=2] eq 1 then geo_v[l=`time_start`] !vector/nolab/over vel_x[l=`time_start`],vel_y[l=`time_start`] !vector/over/nolab/xskip=`xvector`/yskip=`yvector`/pen=black vel_x,vel_y vector/over/nolab/pen=black vel_x,vel_y endif !time is different let d= if `a` eq 0 and `b` eq 0 then 1 else 0 if `d` then let vel_x=if msk[d=2] eq 1 then geo_u[l=`time_start`:`time_end`@ave] let vel_y=if msk[d=2] eq 1 then geo_v[l=`time_start`:`time_end`@ave] !vector/over/nolab/xskip=`xvector`/yskip=`yvector`/pen=black vel_x,vel_y vector/over/nolab/pen=black vel_x,vel_y endif