! jnl file that uses Reynolds SST data to make different temperature line plots ! requires input arguments for time range and lat/lon range ! to run the program in ferret, you will need to type the following line with the various values filled in: ! go fer_sst_line type_plot time_start time_end lat_min lat_max lon_min lon_max ! If you choose not to give values for the various variables, default ones will be substituted for you. ! If you only want to choose some values, you can, but you cannot skip any values. This means you can ! fill in the first 2 and no others, or if you want to specify the lat/lon ranges, you must fill in values ! for the first 2 variables as well as the lat/lon ranges. ! type means T vs. time(1), T vs. latitude (2), or T vs. longitude (3) ! depth values are entered in the range of 0 - 2000dbar ! time values are entered corresponding to monthly values starting with Jan, 2004 ! if no values are entered, the default region is 50S to 25N and 130E to 250E with an average over the ! entire depth and time region cancel/all data cancel/all var cancel/all sym set window/clear go set_pixel_size 1024 768 set mem/size=80 ! assigning variables to arguments passed in the go command as well as default values let lat_min=`$4%-50%` let lat_max=`$5%25%` let lon_min=`$6%100%` let lon_max=`$7%-110%` let time_start=`$2%25%` let time_end=`$3%48%` let type_plot=`$1%1%` set mode interpolate set region/y=`lat_min`:`lat_max`/x=`lon_min`:`lon_max` define viewport/xlim=.0,.95/ylim=0,1 top PPL DFLTFNT DR ppl conpre @P1@DR ppl axlsze 0.15,.15 ppl axset 1,1,1,1 ppl pen 0,7 ppl pen 1,7 ppl labset .15,.15,.15 ! Ensuring longitudes are properly plotted let boundb=if (`lon_min`) gt (`lon_max`) then 1 else 0 if `boundb` then let lon_max=`lon_max`+360 endif use reynolds_sst_grid.nc ! only lat is the same let a=if (`lat_min`) eq (`lat_max`) and (`lon_min`) ne (`lon_max`) and `time_start` ne `time_end` then 1 else 0 ! only lon is the same let b=if (`lon_min`) eq (`lon_max`) and (`lat_min`) ne (`lat_max`) and `time_start` ne `time_end` then 1 else 0 ! only time is the same let c=if (`lon_min`) ne (`lon_max`) and (`time_start`) eq (`time_end`) and (`lat_min`) ne (`lat_max`) then 1 else 0 ! lat and lon are the same, time is different let d=if (`lon_min`) eq (`lon_max`) and (`lat_min`) eq (`lat_max`) and `time_start` ne `time_end` then 1 else 0 ! lat, lon and time are different let e=if (`lon_min`) ne (`lon_max`) and (`lat_min`) ne (`lat_max`) and `time_start` ne `time_end` then 1 else 0 ! lon and time are the same, lat is different let f=if (`lon_min`) eq (`lon_max`) and (`time_start`) eq (`time_end`) and (`lat_min`) ne (`lat_max`) then 1 else 0 ! lat and time are the same, lon is different let g=if (`lat_min`) eq (`lat_max`) and (`time_start`) eq `time_end` and (`lon_min`) ne (`lon_max`) then 1 else 0 ! type 1 plot - line of T vs. time let ltime=if `type_plot` eq 1 then 1 else 0 if `ltime` then say sst vs time ! only lat is the same if `a` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`:`lon_max`@ave,y=`lat_min`,l=`time_start`:`time_end`] endif ! only lon is the same if `b` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`,y=`lat_min`:`lat_max`@ave,l=`time_start`:`time_end`] endif ! lat and lon are the same if `d` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`,y=`lat_min`,l=`time_start`:`time_end`] endif ! lat, lon and time are different if `e` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`:`lon_max`@ave,y=`lat_min`:`lat_max`@ave,l=`time_start`:`time_end`] endif if `ltime` then plot/nolab/line=13/set sst_plot ppl ylab Reynolds SST (^oC) ppl axlabp -1,-1 ppl labset 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 ppl axlsze,0.15,0.15 ppl plot ppl origin ,($orig_yorg) !restore y origin endif ! type 2 plot - line of T vs. latitude let llat=if `type_plot` eq 2 then 1 else 0 if `llat` then say sst vs. latitude if `llat` then ! only lon is the same if `b` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`,y=`lat_min`:`lat_max`,l=`time_start`:`time_end`@ave] endif ! all are different if `e` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`:`lon_max`@ave,y=`lat_min`:`lat_max`,l=`time_start`:`time_end`@ave] endif ! time is the same if `c` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`:`lon_max`@ave,y=`lat_min`:`lat_max`,l=`time_start`] endif ! lon and time are the same if `f` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`,y=`lat_min`:`lat_max`,l=`time_start`] endif endif if `llat` then plot/nolab/line=13/set sst_plot ppl ylab Reynolds SST (^oC) ppl axlabp -1,-1 ppl labset 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 ppl axlsze,0.15,0.15 ppl plot ppl origin ,($orig_yorg) !restore y origin endif ! type 3 plot - line of T vs. longitude let llon=if `type_plot` eq 3 then 1 else 0 if `llon` then say sst vs. longitude if `llon` then ! only lat is the same if `a` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`:`lon_max`,y=`lat_min`,l=`time_start`:`time_end`@ave] endif ! time and lat are the same if `g` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`:`lon_max`,y=`lat_min`,l=`time_start`] endif ! all three are different if `e` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`:`lon_max`,y=`lat_min`:`lat_max`@ave,l=`time_start`:`time_end`@ave] endif ! time is the same if `c` then let sst_plot= sst[x=`lon_min`:`lon_max`,y=`lat_min`:`lat_max`@ave,l=`time_start`] endif !let m= `llon` eq 1 and `b` ne 1 !if `m` then if `llon` then plot/nolab/line=13/set sst_plot ppl ylab Reynolds SST (^oC) ppl axlabp -1,-1 ppl labset 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 ppl axlsze,0.15,0.15 ppl plot ppl origin ,($orig_yorg) !restore y origin endif