internal ID number                      4134                                                                                                          
transmission ID number                  ******
transmission type                       IRIDIUM                                                                                                       
instrument type                         SOLO2IR_TS36                                                                                                  
IRIDIUM program number                  n/a                                                                                                           
WMO ID number                           5903782                                                                                                       
WMO instrument type (table 1770)        854                                                                                                           
WMO recorder type (table 4770)          64                                                                                                            
start time [dd mm yyyy hh mm (Z)]       22 08 2011 00 00                                                                                              
status of start time                    approximated                                                                                                  
launch time [dd mm yyyy hh mm (Z)]      27 09 2011 20 00                                                                                              
status of launch time                   approximated                                                                                                  
launch position [lat latm lon lonm]     -10. -45.01  -121 -0.04                                                                                       
status of launch position               approximated                                                                                                  
delay of first down time [hours]        884                                                                                                           
end mission [dd mm yyyy hh mm ss (Z)]   27 01 2017 07 26 14                                                                                           
end mission status                      T                                                                                                             
cycle time [days]                       10.292                                                                                                        
descent time [hours]                    6.667                                                                                                         
neutral depth time [days]               9.5767                                                                                                        
ascent time [hours]                     10.000                                                                                                        
surface time [hours]                    0.50                                                                                                          
transmission repetition rate [sec]      -999.                                                                                                         
clock drift [hours/hours]               0                                                                                                             
last cycle                              n/a                                                                                                           
calib eq 1 for pressure                 P = CNTS*PGAIN+POFF                                                                                           
calib coef for pressure                 PGAIN=0.0400;POFF=-10.0                                                                                       
calib eq 1 for temperature              T = CNTS*TGAIN+TOFF                                                                                           
calib coef for temperature              TGAIN=0.001;TOFF=-5.0                                                                                         
calib eq 1 for salinity                 S = CNTS*SGAIN+SOFF                                                                                           
calib coef for salinity                 SGAIN=0.001;SOFF=-1.0                                                                                         
calib eq 1 for cpu voltage              VCPU = CPUGAIN*CNTS+CPUOFF                                                                                    
calib coef for cpu voltage              CPUGAIN=0.010;CPUOFF=0.00                                                                                     
calib eq 1 for pump voltage             VPMP = PMP_GAIN*CNTS+PMP_OFF                                                                                  
calib coef for pump voltage             PMP_GAIN=0.010;PMP_OFF=0.00                                                                                   
conductivity calibration date           01 06 2011                                                                                                    
temperature calibration date            01 06 2011                                                                                                    
pressure calibration date               19 05 2011                                                                                                    
float manufacturer                      MRV, San Diego                                                                                                
float serial number                     7013                                                                                                          
PI                                      Dean Roemmich                                                                                                 
principal investigator address          SIO                                                                                                           
originating country                     USA                                                                                                           
float deployer                          unknown                                                                                                       
float deployer address                  NIWA                                                                                                          
deployment type                         r/v                                                                                                           
deployment platform                     Kaharoa                                                                                                       
deployment cruise id                    unknown                                                                                                       
profile at deployment                   n/a                                                                                                           
nominal drift pressure [dbar]           1000                                                                                                          
cycles for drift pressure               1                                                                                                             
nominal profile pressure [dbar]         2000                                                                                                          
cycles for profile pressure             1                                                                                                             
Profile Sampling Method                 Continuous                                                                                                    
temperature sensor type                 SBE41CP_V3.0a                                                                                                 
temperature sensor manufacturer         SBE                                                                                                           
temperature sensor serial number        3777                                                                                                          
conductivity sensor type                SBE41CP_V3.0a                                                                                                 
conductivity sensor manufacturer        SBE                                                                                                           
conductivity sensor serial number       3777                                                                                                          
pressure sensor type                    2900PSIA                                                                                                      
pressure sensor manufacturer            Kistler                                                                                                       
pressure sensor serial number           2073950                                                                                                       
transmission IMEI number                ***************
ROM version                             SBE602 08Jun11                                                                                                
manual/decoder version                  01.00                                                                                                         
CPU serial number                       3                                                                                                             
board serial number                     3                                                                                                             
board type                              HC12 [Revision:5.7]                                                                                           
board battery serial number             1100036                                                                                                       
pump battery serial number              1100084 1100140                                                                                               
battery type                            Lithium                                                                                                       
battery manufacturer and model          ElectroChem                                                                                                   
initial battery voltage                 15 V                                                                                                          
battery packs                           2D Li + 1C Li                                                                                                 
battery details                         PUMP 2 packs of 8D cell; CPU 1 pack of 4C cell;                                                               
SIO comment                             n/a                                                                                                           
comment                                 n/a