SIO Argo Site: Delayed Mode
Quality Control Tabulation Page

Serial= 7775 WMO= 5904387


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Currently Assigned Quality Control Flags
Display of the floats Delayed Mode Quality Control flags as recently reported at the GDAC.
Plot may lag the GDAC by up to 10 days.
Colored circles represent the 1 (blue) to 4 (red) Argo QC scale. The dots are overlain on a contour plot of the profile data

Temperature Salinity Plot of Quality Controlled Data
Temperature/Salinity diagram of Quality Controlled Argo profile data.
The data is color coded by QC status (Delayed Mode or Real-Time) and goodness [Argo flag 1 (good) or other (bad)].

Currently Assigned Sensor Drift Corrections
These are the drift corrections found in the Delayed Mode netcdf profile files at the GDAC. Error bars are also shown.
If no lines are shown, then the data has not yet passed through DMQC.

If present, the below figures are produced by the OWC (Owens, Wong, Cabanes 2020) salinity calibration software.
This software is used throughout the Argo program to access the presence of salinity drift.