Updated 13feb2019 Lisa Lehmann llehmann@ucsd.edu Note: the marineatlas requires ~ 6 GB disk space! We have only tested this installation on three Mac's: 1) OSX 10.11.6 with Xquartz 2.7.9 2) OSX 10.12 with Xquartz 2.7.11 2) OSX 10.14.3 with Xquartz 2.7.11 Note: the MAC version of the marineatlas does not have an automatic update button (like the Windows version). You need to copy the updated files to the appropriate directories from the kakapo ftp server. [ See 3) below ] Note: % is denoting a Mac prompt All text to right of exclamation point ! is a comment, do not type (type only the text between % and !) 1) Install Xquartz, MacOS X X11 (X.Org X Window System for OS X): ---------------------------------------------------------------- If X11 is not installed on your Mac (it's not a default installation), then download and install the latest Xquartz: www.xquartz.org Click on "XQuartz-2.7.9.dmg" (2.7.9 release 05may2016 for OS X 10.6.3 or later) to download the installer. In your Downloads folder double click the .dmg file, then double click the XQuartz.pkg file to get the install dialog. (Or drag the .dmg file to your Applications folder, which should also trigger the install dialog.) Follow the installation instructions. Version: Xquartz 2.7.11 will work with this Mac marineatlas. However, multiple error messages will be generated due to incompatibilites between XQuartz V2.7.11 libXt and Motif's libXm. "Error: Shell widget Wint has zero width and/or height" 2) Install Ferret V6.3: (AN OLD VERSION OF FERRET (Mac's only!!)) (Ferret V6.94 & V7.0 cause malloc errors (on our THREE test Macs)) (Ferret V6.82 marineatlas plots do not stay on screen) You may try installing the latest version of Ferret since it may work on your Mac. Follow instructions below for the older Ferret V6.3 if you have problems with V7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/ 1) Click on "Downloads" tab 2) Click on "Mac OS X Intel" (scroll down to link in page) 3) Click on "Installation and Update Guide" for install instructions (GOOD to read!). 4) Click on "Ferret Datasets" to download/save fer_dsets.tar.gz |-takes you to github page with multiple Ferret datasets. Pick one, | be sure to replace below with your version. 5) Scroll down to and click on "Previous Versions" 6) Download two files: fer_environment.v63.tar.gz fer_executables.v63.tar.gz 7) In your Downloads folder: RENAME: fer_executables.v63.tar.gz TO: fer_executables.tar.gz (you'll need this further down) 8) Open a terminal window: Applications->Utilities->xterm is one choice, Applications->Utilities->Terminal.app is another choice. Make sure you have administrator rights (use "sudo" in front of the command). /usr/local is a good choice, but you can change (make sure your change follows throughout!): % cd /usr/local % sudo mkdir ferret ! you may not need sudo % cd ferret % sudo tar xzf /path_to_your_download_folder/fer_environment.v63.tar.gz !---> Note: change this path! % cd /usr/local % sudo mkdir fer_dsets % cd fer_dsets % sudo tar xzf /path_to_your_download_folder/.tar.gz !--> xf if already uncompressed 2019 note: Be sure the files you untar end up under: /usr/local/fer_dsets/data , desc , grids % sudo /usr/local/ferret/bin/Finstall 1 ! "Install excutables" (looking for fer_executables.tar.gz) /usr/local/ferret ! Assuming this is where you put ferret /path_to_your_download_folder ! Fill in YOUR download folder location 3 ! "Exit" Figure out what shell are you using: bash or csh or ?? % env | grep SHELL The Ferret V6.3 Finstall(opt 2) program defaults to putting the csh "ferret_paths" into your /usr/local/bin directory. If you are using csh, then run Finstall again and do option "2". _If_ you are using a different shell, say the bash shell, then you need to : % sudo cp /usr/local/ferret/bin/ferret_paths_bash_template /usr/local/bin/ferret_paths Edit your new /usr/local/bin/ferret_paths file to : (% sudo vi /usr/local/bin/ferret_paths) 1) make sure your paths are correct in two places: 1a) export FER_DIR=/usr/local/ferret (assuming you put it in /usr/local) 1b) export FER_DSETS=/usr/local/fer_dsets 2) add a ":" (a colon, no quotes) to the "export PATH" line so it looks like this: export PATH="$PATH:$FER_DIR/bin" !bash only! For all shells: Add the following line to your (.login for csh) or (.bash_profile for bash): source /usr/local/bin/ferret_paths ! (assuming you put it in /usr/local/bin) Logout and back in to set your paths. See if you were successful: % ferret Should give you the yes? prompt. If so, install the marineatlas. yes? quit 3) Install marineatlas ---------------------- Grab marineatlas-mac.tar.gz from kakapo: Using a terminal window: ftp kakapo.ucsd.edu login: anonymous pass: binary cd pub/argo/Global_Marine_Argo_Atlas/test get marineatlas-mac-V?.?.?.tar.gz (look for latest V: 13feb2019=V1.5.0) quit MacOSX marineatlas installation: % cd /usr/local % sudo mkdir marineatlas % sudo tar xzf /path_to_your_download_folder/marineatlas-mac-V?.?.?.tar.gz % cd /usr/local/bin !1.5.0 % sudo ln -s /usr/local/marineatlas/bin/gma marineatlas or % sudo ln -s /usr/local/marineatlas/bin/gma ! if you want it called gma When you first run gma a setup popup appears(it may take a few minutes): a) Enter complete path to marinatlas installation directory. b) Enter complete path to marineatlas temporary directory: Choose somewhere that has space, you can access easily and you have write permission, "/Users/your-login/tmp" is a good choice (no quotes) (You may need to % mkdir /Users/your-login/tmp ) c) Is ghostscript installed... ? y or n Click "Save settings to $HOME/.marineatlasrc" so you won't have to answer the questions again. Click on "Setup" on gma main dialog to make changes later. If you are running Xquartz V2.7.11 you may see errors like: Error: Shell widget Wint has zero width and/or height As long as you get plots, just ignore those messages. 3) To update files in the marineatlas: ------------------------------------- Change directory to your marineatlas installation directory, for example: cd /usr/local/marineatlas/ferret/TMAP/fer_dsets/data [Assuming you installed it in /usr/local/marineatlas ] [Use above instructions to ftp to kakapo.ucsd.edu] ftp> binary ftp> cd pub/argo/Global_Marine_Argo_Atlas ftp> get RG_ArgoClim_Temp.nc \ grab these 2 for Argo Temp & Psal ftp> get RG_ArgoClim_Psal.nc / monthly updates ftp> get reynolds_sst_grid.nc > Reynolds SST monthly update ftp> lcd station_location \ ftp> cd station_location } to update station locations ftp> mget argo*2019 / for 2019