13feb2019 Lisa Lehmann llehmann@ucsd.edu Note: the marineatlas requires ~ 6 GB disk space! Starting with V1.4.0, Feb 2018, the marineatlas was compiled on RHEL 6. It will run on RHEL 6 or 7, but not on RHEL5. Please note the Linux version of the marineatlas does not have an automatic update button (like the Windows version). You need to copy the updated files to the appropriate directories from the kakapo ftp server. [see 3) below] To install the marineatlas (Linux 64 bit only): 1) Install ferret http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/ Click on "Downloads" tab Click on "Linux" link Click on either "64-bit Linux (RedHat 6 and 7)" Click on and read "Installation and update guide" and follow the instructions to install ferret. Once you are done, be sure to add to your .login file: source $SET_FER/ferret_paths (where $SET_FER is the path where you put ferret_paths during Finstall.) 2) Install marineatlas Grab marineatlas-linux64-V?.?.?.tar.gz from kakapo: Using a terminal window: ftp kakapo.ucsd.edu login: anonymous pass: binary cd pub/argo/Global_Marine_Argo_Atlas get marineatlas-linux64-V?.?.?.tar.gz (look for latest V: 13feb2019=V1.5.0) quit You can either install it under /usr/local/src/marineatlas or your home directory. Just unzip and untar it where you want it. The executable is under marineatlas/bin/gma. You can ln -s it into /usr/local/bin/gma. e.g. cd /usr/local/bin ln -s /usr/local/src/marineatlas/bin/gma rehash When you first run gma a setup popup appears: a) Enter complete path to marinatlas installation: You should not have to change this if the atlas started properly. b) Enter complete path to marineatlas temporary directory: Choose somewhere that has space, you can access easily and you have write permission, "/home/your-login/tmp" is a good choice (no quotes) c) Is ghostscript installed... ? It should be on most Linux, so choose "yes". Click "Save settings to $HOME/.marineatlasrc" so you won't have to answer the questions again. Click on "Setup" on gma main dialog to make changes later. 3) To update files in the marineatlas: Change directory to your marineatlas installation directory, for example: cd /usr/local/src/marineatlas/ferret/TMAP/fer_dsets/data [Assuming you installed it in /usr/local/src/marineatlas ] [Use above instructions to ftp to kakapo.ucsd.edu] ftp> binary ftp> cd pub/argo/Global_Marine_Argo_Atlas ftp> get RG_ArgoClim_Temp.nc \ grab these 2 for Argo Temp & Psal ftp> get RG_ArgoClim_Psal.nc / monthly updates ftp> get reynolds_sst_grid.nc > Reynolds SST monthly update ftp> lcd station_location \ ftp> cd station_location } to update station locations for 2019 ftp> mget argo*2019 /